Art @ Chabran

Art at the Heart of the Mas de Chabran

Art is a big part of our ethos, what we love and what inspires us. Intertwined in the house you will find artworks, which we collected throughout the years and which found their way in our life.  This is a living and everchanging collection, some pieces, like family members are here forever, while others pass by only briefly. Most of the time we strive to work with artists who create or connect with Provence, but art is not linear – so sometimes a piece will inspire us  and come from a land far away. Some of the works exhibited throughout the Art @Chabran projects are available for purchase and for the ones that are not – our team would be delighted to  source a similar one for you.


Photographer, book writer and lifestyle inspiration, Jamie Beck lives and works in Provence. Her unique creative style protrudes her love for flowers, romanticism and the way of life in South of France. Our collaboration with Jamie was a long awaited one, and we were thrilled when it finally took shape in 2023. We see this relationship as a fluid and long lasting one – so pieces are expected to come and go.  You can discover some of her fine art pieces dotted around in the house and why not take home a souvenir in the shape of one of her paper weights, postcards or even her best selling book.


All of the Jamie Beck pieces are available for sale.


Florence Bamberger is an artist and art director living and working in Paris.

We fell in love with Florence’s style of single line drawings, her simplicity and her flair. We initially approached her to enquire about specific works and within the end of our conversation we had come up with a completely different concept – a collection of 12 ceramic plates, inspired by Provence, Le Mas De Chabran and everything we love. All of the pieces are available for purchase – an unique gift, to commemorate your stay.


Born in the Netherlands, but spent most of his life in South of France, Jean Gulfoss was fascinated by nature from an early age. A man who considers the oceanographic museum in Monaco as his second studio, he creates photographic compositions of animals and various other objects, staged in theatrical settings. We have a couple of Jean’s works in our collection  displayed in Le Mas de Chabrna and Mas Estello. Find the large scale “Camargue” piece  adorning the wall of the formal dining room in Le Mas De Chabran. A picture featuring the proud Camargue horse, with its best friend, the egret bird on his back. This duo is native to our region and can be often seen in the marshlands of the Camargue natural reserve – a perfect symbiosis between horse and bird and nature in its very best. Jean still creates and can be met in his studio in St. Rémy de Provence.


Born in Paris, he studied Fine Art at the Grande Chaumière, Paris. Had his first show at Galerie Audouin, St Germain, Paris. Works and lives in Saint Remy de Provence, where you can visit him and his talented wife ceramists Caitriona. Spent the 80s and 90s working as a free-lance fashion designer for various luxury brands, travelling worldwide. Christian has always been interested in Art with a particular facination for African and Papua New Guinea Tribal Art and has built up quite a collection over the years. He has also contributed to various presigious collections.


In 1994 time spent as full-time painter in the Hamptons, under the wing of Larry Rivers. This was followed by a period of designing furniture and more fashion, but Christian has always kept a studio wherever he lived (New York/Paris/London/Spain..) and enjoys painting whenever time allows. Today he paints full-time and is represented by the Insideout Galerie, in the South of France where he now resides. Christian says ; « Painting for me is COSA MENTALE » Where the first paintings were figurative and subjective, searching for the meaning of being and the origin, his latest work is more impressionistic and minimalist. He is a travelling companion of Debussy, Satie and Philip Glass.


Lidia is a Spanish painter whose current project is the archetypal portrait of early twenty first century. Her works of large size have a strong presence – the portrait hanging in the salon of Le Mas de Chabran is easily one of the most featured and celebrated art pieces in the house. Lídia takes a unique approach to the watercolour technique. The portraits are painted with black acrylic, which is then removed and washed with a mixture of water and bleach. This technique allows for the beautiful colour palette that sets her work apart; with shades from pink to white and from black to grey. This particular piece is not for sale, but we would love to offer you an alternative.



It is daring to call a candle an artform, but this is exactly how we see them. The Mas de Chabran candles are 100% made in the Alpilles  and support the works of two female artisans. The terracotta pots, created in a small studio in Eyguieres, are inspired by the textures and colours of the stone walls, antique plasters and furnishings of Le Mas de Chabran. Each pot is unique and handcrafted using age old techniques. The scent, created in Grasse – elegant and daring, carries through notes of Provence figs combined with tannin from the churches in Arles. 100% plant based wax and non-bleached wicks to compliment our ethos of purity and eco-responsibility. The pots are refillable – simply bring them or send them back to us and our candlemaker will fill them again for you.